California Emergency Response Corps

Deadline: Applications due May 20, 2022
State Entity Name: California Volunteers
Funding Opportunity Title: California Emergency Response Corps
Announcement Type: Continuation Funding Opportunity
State Funds: General Fund: 0650-102-001

Grant Description

AmeriCorps is a powerful resource for mitigating, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disasters. Building on the recent pandemic response and recovery efforts, California Volunteers will be expanding its capacity to prepare and respond to disasters by leveraging AmeriCorps as a core strategy. The California Emergency Response Corps Funding Opportunity will award up to $2,976,800 dollars in state and federal funds to expand a current AmeriCorps disaster service program to recruit, train, and manage a statewide AmeriCorps team of up to 61 Full-time members to assist with state and local emergency response and recovery efforts. The grant recipient will collaborate with California Volunteers to place members in regional teams throughout the state and activate their deployment in response to emerging state and local emergency needs as directed by CV.

Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants must operate a current State Formula-funded AmeriCorps disaster services program in California that is in year 1 or 2 of the funding period. 

Application Deadline

Applications must be received by California Volunteers by May 20, 2022 at 5:00 P.M., Pacific Time.

Application Documents

  • 2022-23 CA Emergency Response Corps RFA
  • 2022-23 CA Emergency Response Corps Application Instructions
  • Needs-and-Service-PMW-Template
  • Community-Engagement-PMW-Template
  • Member-Development-PMW-Template
  • CERC RFA Budget Template

Technical Assistance

For technical assistance with this application, please contact