For Immediate Release
April 20, 2022
Katie Vavao, Katie.Vavao@cv.ca.gov, (916) 584-3620
Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday Joins Local College & University Officials to Kick Off #CaliforniansForAll College Corps Recruitment in the Sacramento Valley Region
New service initiative helps low-income students graduate college on time and with less debt
Davis, CA – Today, Chief Service Officer (CSO) Josh Fryday joined campus officials from the University of California, Davis; Sacramento State; Sacramento City College; and Woodland Community College to encourage students to apply for the #CaliforniansForAll College Corps program – a new opportunity for thousands of California college students to serve their communities in critical issue areas such as climate action, education, and food insecurity.
Students will benefit from two opportunities to strengthen their future at the same time: $10,000 for completing a year of service and gaining valuable experience by serving their community. This groundbreaking program intends to unite young Californians of all backgrounds in service, and specifically creates opportunities for AB 540 CA Dream Act Students to serve their communities.
Over the next two years, College Corps will engage 6,500 California undergraduates in service — roughly the size of the entire Peace Corps. Thanks to Governor Newsom and lawmakers who helped make funding possible, this service and career development program will help build a diverse class of leaders set to transform California for the better.
Applications opened April 1. Students can learn more and apply by visiting: www.californiavolunteers.ca.gov/californiansforall-college-corps.
UC Davis Josh speaking:
“Students are graduating with crippling debt. This service and career development program helps to create a debt free College pathway while promoting service. If you are willing to serve your community and give back in a meaningful way, we are going to help you pay for college. This is a win-win-win: helping to pay for college, gaining valuable work experience, and having a meaningful impact on their community,” said California Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday.
UC Davis Chancellor Gary S. May:
“Our Sacramento Valley consortium will recruit and train about 1,000 students over the next two years. I’m pleased that the program will also work to include low-income and undocumented students because we want to provide opportunities and affordable access to college. Through this program, students both earn and give back through service in the areas of K-12 education, food security and climate action. What an impact they can have.”
Sacramento City College President Michael Gutierrez:
“Students shouldn’t have to choose between getting experience in their field and paying for college, that is why we are thrilled to be a part of College Corps. This pathway will provide students the opportunity to engage, problem solve, and gain hands-on experience in their community while simultaneously lifting the burden of college expenses.”
Woodland Community College Vice President of Student Services Lisceth Brazil-Cruz:
“This presents an opportunity to infuse the region with students who are eager to learn and give back to communities while supporting their academic trajectories. The areas of K-12 education, food security and climate change are pressing issues our communities are facing and can benefit greatly from the opportunities being created for volunteerism.”
Sacramento State Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Ed Mills:
“College Corps not only enhances Sacramento State’s student equity, financial assistance, and career development programs, but also strengthens our Anchor University efforts to serve and partner with community.”
UC Davis Student Ciara Mullen:
“As a woman of color, working in education brings back memories of situations of inequality I have experienced in the school system. These experiences have allowed me to expand my reach and make resources more accessible for students of color. It has also strengthened my belief that representation really matters! I have been able to help advocate for other students of color who felt like they had no power and give them the tools they need to advocate for themselves in the future. Opportunities such as the one the SVCC provides will allow students to explore their passions and goals.”
UC Davis Student Erika Jacqueline Amort:
“Students should not have to choose between putting a roof over their head or a student internship.”
Recruitment kick-off for #CaliforniansForAll College Corps at UC Davis
Led by California Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday, California Volunteers, Office of the Governoropens in a new window empowers Californians to take action to improve their communities. #CaliforniansForAllopens in a new window is a California Volunteers service initiative launched in response to COVID-19 to establish a volunteer corps to support the state’s response to emergencies and disasters.