2023 AmeriCorps State Formula Funding Opportunity

Published: Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Application Due Date:Thursday, April 20, 2023 
CFDA Number:94.006
Contact Information:Funding@cv.ca.gov 

Grant Description

California Volunteers (CV), the State Service Commission for California, is now accepting applications for 2023-2024 AmeriCorps State formula funding. Successful applicants receive federal funds and an allotment of full-time or part-time AmeriCorps member positions to help address community problems through service and volunteer action.  

AmeriCorps members dedicate a year of their life to intensive community service in exchange for a modest living stipend and Segal Education Award.  The experience often leads to a life enriched by meaningful service and in many cases, a career in the non-profit sector or public service.  

AmeriCorps programs address critical community needs including education, disaster services, economic opportunity, environmental stewardship, healthy futures, and veterans and military families. Sample member activities include tutoring and mentoring youth, job training/placement, home visitation, response to local disasters, restoring natural habitats, organizational capacity building, and supporting and connecting high-need populations to critical services and resources. AmeriCorps members also mobilize community volunteers and strengthen the capacity of the organizations where they serve. 

Eligible Applicants

Nonprofit organizations and state and local government agencies are eligible to apply. All applicants must have active registration with the System for Award Management (SAM) at https://www.sam.gov/SAM/.  

Additionally, to be eligible for funding, applicants must meet all of the criteria below:  

  • Applicants must address an unmet need in the Education focus area, defined as: Improving educational outcomes for economically disadvantaged children, including improved school readiness; improved educational and behavioral outcomes of students in low-achieving elementary, middle, and high schools; and/or increasing readiness and access for post-secondary education and career opportunities.    
  • Applicants must propose a model assessed at the Strong, Moderate, or Preliminary Evidence tier.  
  • Applicants must be able to replicate their model in new communities in partnership with two or more California Volunteers’ College Corps campuses. This may include partnering with College Corps programs to support College Corps Fellow placement and training.  
  • Applicants should propose program models that include at least 50 MSY. 
  • Applicants must be current California Volunteers grantees operating an existing AmeriCorps program.

California Volunteers reserves the right to modify, adjust, or waive any of the eligibility requirements listed above.  

Funding Priorities

The following priority area will receive preference in the California Volunteers grant selection process: 

Education: Improving educational outcomes for economically disadvantaged children, including improved school readiness; improved educational and behavioral outcomes of students in low-achieving elementary, middle, and high schools; and/or increasing readiness and access for post-secondary education and career opportunities.

Application Deadline

Prospective applicants are encouraged to submit a Notice of Intent to Apply by completing the short survey by clicking here. Please complete this survey by March 31, 2023. 

The deadline for applications to the 2023 AmeriCorps State Formula Funding Opportunity is Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. All application components must be received by that deadline. See Application Instructions for submission guidelines.  

Application Documents

The following documents are required to complete the 2023 AmeriCorps State Formula Grant Application: 

  • Request for Applications 
  • Mandatory Supplemental Guidance 
  • 2023 Application Instructions 
  • 2023 National Performance Measure Instructions 

Application Forms

  • Proposed Site Locations List 
  • California Performance Measurement Worksheet 
  • Labor Organization Certification Form 
  • Operational and Financial Management Survey 
  • STD204 Payee Data Form 
  • AmeriCorps Budget Worksheet 

Additional Documents (to be prepared by applicant) 

  • Address List for Board of Directors 
  • Audited Financial Statements 
  • Schedule of Federal Expenditures  
  • Single Audit (if required) 
  • Requests to Waive Requirements (if applicable) 

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions received by email or in any technical assistance opportunities will be collected and answered on a weekly Frequently Asked Questions document posted below.  

Technical Assistance Webinars

Please join us for a Funding Overview webinar Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 1pm PST via Zoom. Register here: https://governorca.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtdOGppj0vH9Y–3pqnprHPIPjcganCwWZ