Featured Spotlights

California Climate Action Corps gave Chiena the confidence to talk about climate solutions with others

“The more I began to understand that climate action can take place in so many ways, focused on diverse but equally valuable concerns or issues, the more confident I grew that being able to talk about climate action is a valuable skill, and role that anyone can take.”

What Our Partners Are Saying:

“The support offered by California Climate Action Corps is critical to our food rescue program. We can save over 8,000 pounds of edible food per month that would otherwise end up in landfills and distribute it to our community thanks to this program!”

Read more partner quotes

What Our Alumni Are Saying:

Saira Ramirez profile photo

Saira Ramirez-Mingueta, California Climate Action Corps Alum ‘23

“[What inspires me about my service is] knowing zero waste education, community outreach, awareness in climate action, and volunteerism is essential for our future and vital to food desert communities like Riverside and Beaumont (which have a landfill in their backyard) and other communities throughout California where children don’t see enough green space in their cities, or are food insecure.”

Read Saira’s alumni spotlight story